Moving in to the eighth week of the run, the 2015 Cooperative Image Campaign shareable content ads passed a major milestone. The three ads collectively now have one million views on YouTube. The “Kids Petting Zoo,” is leading in the...
Credit unions have recently been given high-profile cover stories in the Tampa Bay Business Journal and the Birmingham Business Journal. Each story looked at how credit unions are serving their members, the struggles in the marketplace, and how...
The competition is heating up for the CUES Next Top Credit Union Executive (NTCUE)! Judges have chosen the top five finalists which includes America’s First Federal Credit Union’s Jimese Harkley. Last week each of the five finalists...
The U.S. Senate voted to stop debate on S. 754, the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act, on Thursday by a 83-14 vote. The bill makes it easier for companies to share information about cyber attacks and also share with the government without the...
CUNA Mutual Group Chief Economist Steven Ricks told Discovery Conference attendees that credit unions can expect to see strong growth in loans, savings, and memberships as the economy continues to experience healthy growth in the coming years. He...
The League of Southeastern Credit Unions & Affiliates (LSCU) and the New York Credit Union Association (NYCUA) announced today that they signed a letter of intent to combine many of their operations into a jointly owned subsidiary that will...
The NCUA announced an agreement with Barclay’s Capital and Wachovia to resolve claims related to purchases of faulty residential mortgage-backed securities by corporate credit unions that resulted in heavy losses. Through the agreement, Barclays...
The League is continuing to work with the Florida Bar Association in an effort to change the Rules of Professional Conduct so that credit unions will be able to open Interest on Trust Accounts (IOLTAs). As the rules currently stand, attorneys can...
Every U.S.Senator received a letter from 14 trade associations, including CUNA, asking for their support of S. 754, the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act. The letter, which was also sent to Senate leadership praising their efforts, asks...
The NCUA board voted 2-1, with Mark McWatters casting the dissenting vote, to pass a risk-based capital rule for credit unions. NCUA Board Chairman Debbie Matz said that the new rule took into consideration the more than 2,000 comment letters from...