Credit unions (i.e., “interest recipients”/lenders) who receive mortgage interest payments of $600 or more during a calendar year, must report those interest payments to both the member (i.e., payer of record making those payments) and...
Alabama and Florida lawmakers will each gather tomorrow to kick off their state’s 2018 Legislative Session. Since 2018 is an election year, there is motivation for both states to take care of critical business, such as passing a budget, and avoid...
Over the years, updates to federal laws have protected credit unions from frivolous lawsuits on issues like a missing ATM placard or changes to your privacy notices. Now, the latest issue to make its way to the lawsuit arena is website compliance...
The seventh Annual Executive Dialogue is moving to March 14 -15, 2018 at the historic AAA Five-Diamond rated Ponte Vedra Inn & Club in Ponte Vedra, FL. This meeting is exclusively for large-asset-size credit union CEOs to exchange ideas with and...
As credit unions continue to receive demand letters threatening class action litigation concerning website accessibility requirements under the Americans with Disabilities Act, CUNA remains engaged with Congress and the Department of Justice (DoJ)...
Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) announced Kirsten Sutton Mork will become chief of staff at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau in the coming weeks. Mark is staff director at House Financial Services Committee and spent four years as...