Make plans now to attend the 2017 Southeastern Credit Union Conference & Expo to hear from the CEO of the Credit Union National Association (CUNA), Jim Nussle. Nussle has had various opinion pieces published in The Wall Street Journal, The New...
Douglas Samuels, president and chief executive officer of Space Coast Credit Union based in Melbourne, FL died suddenly and unexpectedly May 12 at the age of 57. Samuels originally joined SCCU in 1991 as vice president of information systems, and he...
Credit union boards, staff, and volunteers can connect more easily to essential training specific to their needs with a new portal provided by the National Credit Union Administration’s Office of Small Credit Union Initiatives. The Learning...
Forty-five credit union professionals became Credit Union Development Educators (CUDEs) after being guided by dedicated program facilitators and mentors through the intensive Credit Union Development Education (DE) Training from the National Credit...
Vining Sparks will present a webinar on May 18 exclusively for credit unions. This is the third in the 2017 webinar series and will be presented by Dan Stimpson, a senior vice president in the Strategic Solutions department of Vining Sparks...
With the recent bankruptcy filing in Puerto Rico, economic concerns are a top priority for the island, but its Cooperative system should remain intact and should continue to support credit unions, which are insured by the NCUA.. In a post-bankruptcy...