Author - Lizeth George

Register for FiCEP This Fall

The 2023 Financial Counselor Registration (FiCEP) is currently open for credit union team members who are looking for a unique financial counseling training program that offers hands-on learning with instructor-led webinars and networking...

Meet Members Where They Are: On Screen

Our daily lives have changed drastically over the last decade, and how we interact with friends, family, colleagues, and even businesses looks very different. We’ve evolved to become digital-first beings, never far from a screen and driven to...

When Employees Tell You They’re Burned Out

Amidst record-breaking job turnover, leaders have been feeling pressure to pay attention to the well-being of their workforce. These days, many professionals – one Deloitte study puts the number at 77% – have experienced burnout at their current job...

About Us

The League of Southeastern Credit Unions & Affiliates represents 302 credit unions in Alabama, Florida and Georgia, with a combined total of $175 billion in assets and more than 11.6 million members. LSCU & Affiliates provides legislative and regulatory advocacy; education and training; cooperative initiatives (including financial education outreach); public messaging; information services; and business solutions.

LSCU Mission Statement

To create an environment that enables credit unions to grow and succeed.

LSCU Vision Statement

To be the trusted advocate and preferred source of information for credit unions.

If you need to reach us, e-mail

Social Channels

Follow us on all major social media platforms.