Commercial Alliance is a LEVERAGE partner that offers a new way to offer business loans to credit union members. Commercial Alliance’s experts manage the entire lending process including origination, underwriting, documentation, servicing, and...
The Southeastern Credit Union Foundation (SECUF) awards professional development grants to qualifying credit unions to attend a number of League of Southeastern Credit Unions & Affiliates (LSCU & Affiliates) and Credit Union National...
Don’t miss the Southeast Leadership Development Conference (SLDC) keynote speaker Rachel DeAlto. During this session, you will learn how to boost confidence, reduce social anxiety, and make your world and workplace better, happier, and more...
The League of Southeastern Credit Unions & Affiliates invites you to attend a virtual Human Resources Conference on September 13 – 14, 2022 from 1:00 – 5:00 p.m. ET. Hear from trusted speakers in the credit union industry about topics that...
While in Washington, D.C. this week, Kevin Johnson, CEO of Suncoast Credit Union and immediate past Chair of the League of Southeastern Credit Unions (LSCU) Board of Directors, along with Grace Newcombe, LSCU’s Senior Director of Federal Advocacy...
Fundraisers for the League of Southeastern Credit Unions & Affiliates (LSCU & Affiliates) PACs at the Southeastern Credit Union Conference & Expo (SCUCE) turned out to be among the most successful in LSCU history, raising nearly $45,000...